Timeline: Part 2

Events in the Ongoing Story of Molly, McGee, & the Owlets

Note: This Timeline is in reverse chronological order, with most recent events at the top.


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Drive-by Dinners & Ledging

April 26 - May 7


May 6/7. Thur night. Treats: 6. 9:21p McGee, gopher; 11:54p McGee, gopher; 12:11a Molly, rodent; 1:08a Molly, gopher; 2:44a McGee, unknown; 2:50a Molly, rabbit.


May 5/6. Wed night. Treats: 12. 8:58p Molly, no treat (conjecture is that it was actually sumpin' small); 9:17p McGee, mouse; 9:50p Molly, mouse; 10:41p McGee, gopher; 11:39p Molly, mouse; 12:02a McGee, mouse; 12:12a Molly, rodent; 12:30a McGee, rodent; 12:46a McGee, gopher; 1:59a McGee, rodent; 2:14a Molly, mouse; 2:34a Molly, rodent; 3:09a McGee, mouse.


May 4/5. Tues night. Treats: 12. 8:36p Molly, gopher; 8:53p Molly, mouse; 11:17p McGee, gopher; 11:58p Molly, rodent; 12:08a McGee, mouse; 12:41a McGee, rodent; 12:41a Molly, rodent; 1:32a McGee, rodent; 2:35a Molly, rat; 2:55a McGee, rodent; 2:58a McGee, mouse;  4:41a Molly, gopher.


May 3/4. Mon night.  Treats: 17 (ties record of May 1/2). 8:13p McGee, rodent; 9:40p McGee, rodent; 9:47p McGee, mouse; 10:25p McGee, mouse; 10:35p McGee, rodent; 10:38p Molly, mouse; 10:48p Molly, rodent; 11:00p McGee, mouse; 11:54p Molly, mouse; 12:28a Molly, mouse; 12:33a Molly, gopher; 12:51a Molly, rodent; 1:17a McGee, gopher; 1:26a Molly, rodent; 1:33a Molly, mouse; 2:17a Molly, rodent; 5:12a Molly, rabbit.


May 2/3: Sun night:Treats: 8. 8:28p McGee, rat; 9:29p Molly, rabbit; 9:42p McGee, mouse; 10:29p Molly, gopher; 1:27a Molly, rat; 1:51a McGee, rabbit; 1:58a McGee, rabbit; 4:08a Molly, rabbit.


May1/2: Sat night: Treats: 17 (new record!). 8:09p Molly, mouse; 8:17p McGee, mouse; 8:30p McGee, mouse; 8:43p McGee, gopher; 9:13p Molly, rat tease; 9:29p Molly, the remains of the rat; 9:36p McGee, rabbit; 10:16p Molly, mouse; 10:31p, Molly, mouse; 11:08p McGee, mouse; 11:36p McGee, gopher; 11:39p Molly, mouse; 1:17a McGee, rodent; 1:20a Molly, mouse; 1:47a McGee, gopher; 2:20a Molly, rodent; 3:05a Whoo? mouse; 3:32a Molly, mouse.


Apr 30/May 1: Fri night: Treats: 10. McGee 9:45p, rabbit; Molly 10:19p, mouse; McGee 11:14p mouse; McGee 1:06a, rodent; McGee 2:16a, mouse; Whooo? 2:22a, mouse; McGee 3:47a rabbit; Molly 3:49a, mouse; Molly 4:02a, rat; Whooo? 4:23a, rodent. 


April 29/30: Thur night: Treats: 14 (the record is 15). McGee: 8:05p, rabbit; 9:07p, rat; 9:59p, mouse; 10:48p, mouse; 10:56p, mouse; 12:32a, rat; 1:25a, mouse; 1:54a, mouse; 3:22a, rodent; 3:36a, mouse; 3:55a, rodent. Molly: 9:50p, rat; 11:04p, rat; 1:03a, visit only; 3:29a, mouse.


April 28/29: Wed night: Treats: 10. McGee 7:51p, rat; Whoo? 8:08p, rodent; Molly 9:38p, gopher; Whoo? 10:55p, rabbit; McGee 11:31p, mouse; McGee 11:42p, gopher; Molly 11:58p, rat; McGee 2:38a rabbit; McGee 3:35a rat; McGee 4:18a gopher.


April 27/28: Tue night:   Treats: 6 confirmed. McGee 7:56p, mouse; 8:19p, mouse; 10:10p, mouse; 10:43p, mouse. Molly: 10:37p, rodent or rat; 10:54-10:56p, Molly on roof, no treat; 1:57a, The Big Thing (exceptionally large rat). Live stream failed 3:24-6:50a PDT.

A massively full moon and an exciting night for food deliveries:


April 26/27: Mon night: 8 treats. 8:19p, rodent; 8:22p, gopher; 8:31p, mouse; 8:37p, gopher (apparently Molly's only delivery of the night); 9:14p, rodent; 10:35p, mouse; 11:19p, gopher; 2:15a, gopher.  


April 26

Wing and tail feathers are appearing out of the fuzz and the owlets are beginning to do 'gymnastics' in preparation to learning to fly. At night, they crowd the door, crying and jostling one another for position, leaning out over the ledge. They may not yet quite be fledgling, but they are "ledging"! Molly and McGee are (mostly) tossing in prey and sometimes sitting with the prey just beyond the owlets reach. In the SPO chat stream, poetry and repartee continues.



Molly Moves Out

April 22 - 26


April 25/26: Sun night: 8 treats. 7:57p mouse; 8:12p rodent; 8:38p gopher; 9:12p gopher; 9:38p mouse; 10:11p mouse; 10:58p gopher; 2:26a gopher. 


April 24/25: Sat night: 7 treats. McGee 8:14p, rabbit; McGee 10:44p, rodent; McGee 11:44p, mouse; McGee 12:38a, no treat; Molly 1:06-1:16a, mouse; Molly 2:56-3:01a, gopher; McGee 3:21a, gophent; Molly 5:36a mouse.



 April 23/24: Fri night: 7 treats: McGee 8:19p rat; Molly visit 9:27p; Molly 11:55p rat (20m); McGee 12:16a gopher; McGee 12:53a mouse; Molly 2:46a rat; McGee 3:57a gopher. Also unconfirmed reports that McGee dropped off a mongoose and a giraffe.  


April 22/23: Thu night: Molly/McGee: 9 treats: 8:00p gopher; 9:02 mouse; 9:30p mouse; 11:08p rodent; 11:59 rodent; 12:48a Molly visit; 1:13a sumpin' big!; 1:30a mouse; 2:00a rodent; 3:17a rodent;


Apr 21-22 Molly/McGee: 7:52p Molly left nest; Treats: 5: 8:47p Rodent; 9:20p Gopher; 10:41p Mouse; 10:50p Mouse; 11:08p Rodent; Molly checked on kids at 5:50 am.

Molly Returns for the Day

April 21st


April 20-21 13 treats: 7:57p Mouse; 9:46p Gopher; 9:58p Rodent; 10:10p Rodent; 10:24p Rodent; 10:43p Mouse; 12:06a Mouse; 1:39a Mouse; 1:55a ???; 3:06a Rodent; 4:01a Mouse; 4:43a ???; 5:45a Rabbit. 5:45a Molly at home in owlbox today!! 


Molly Leaves the Nest

April 19-20


On April 19, at a little after midnight, Molly made her last food delivery for the night and did not return to the owl box in the morning. She spent the day outside on Mon, presumably roosting nearby in a tree. A Molly Watch was initiated at 6:30 PM Molly-time (PDT). Mon evening, after 20 hours away, Molly returned on at a little after 8 PM with food for the owlets, entered the box, and left again. McGee had arrived and made a delivery just before her. She and McGee took turns making food deliveries all night. She did not return Tues morning but again spent the day away. Mon and Tues April 19-20, Molly did not return to the owl box during the day but continued to bring food to the owlets during the night.


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